Home Inventory Worksheets

Creating Your Household Inventory

A household inventory is a complete and detailed written list of all the personal property located in your dwelling, or stored in other structures like garages and tool sheds. Your inventory should include your possessions as well as items owned by individuals who are also insured under your homeowners policy, such as family members, other household residents, and domestic employees. You should prepare an inventory whenever you move into a new dwelling and update it periodically (say once every six months) to keep track of new and discarded items.

Create your very own home inventory by downloading our Personal Organizer Home Inventory Worksheets by clicking the button below.

Why do it?
Total recall of all the contents of any one room is quite an accomplishment for any of us, even at the calmest of moments. Remembering all the contents of your house and garage after a fire, theft, or other calamity is practically impossible. Yet that's what you'll be asked to do when you submit a claim on your homeowners insurance, unless you previously prepared a written inventory of your household possessions and property. Omitting or failing to include an adequate description of an item may prevent you from receiving compensation from your insurance company. Considering that the whole point of buying homeowners insurance is to obtain compensation for financial loss, why bet the farm (or your house and its contents) on your memory, or add to the emotional loss and stress which comes from any type of loss? You'll also find that a detailed inventory helps when filing a police report, or when trying to prove a loss to the Internal Revenue Service.

What should the inventory contain? 
Under the terms of your homeowners policy, your claim for damaged or stolen personal property should show the quantity, description, actual cash value (if different from the purchase price), and amount of loss associated with each item. Copies of bills, receipts, and other documents that justify the figures in your claim are also typically requested. It makes sense for your inventory to include that information, as well as the purchase price and purchase date of every item. It's a good idea to note serial numbers for appliances and electrical equipment. Listing the contents of each room and building separately helps organize the inventory and promotes completeness. Make sure you include all the contents of every room, excluding only the four walls, ceiling, and floor. Include rugs and carpets, wall hangings, curtains, blinds, and draperies. Be descriptive and refer to colors, dimensions, manufacturers, and composite materials whenever you can. Make sure you include component parts and the contents of drawers, shelves, closets, storage boxes, and built-in cabinets. For instance, describe not only the bed but the headboard, mattress, and bedding. Try to identify every item that you would have to box or carry out, if you were to move out of the house or apartment. For clothing, make sure you give a full description of any expensive items, such as leather or wool coats, boots, suits, or formal wear. If you'd rather not describe every item of clothing, at least list quantities (e.g., six wool sweaters, two pairs of sneakers, two pairs of corduroy trousers), and the family member these items belonged to which in most cases can be associated with the room you are inventorying. Make sure to include the items stored in your attic, basement, garage, or outbuildings. Sports equipment tends to be expensive and should be described in as much detail as possible. Don't forget tools and outdoor equipment like lawn furniture and barbecue grills.

Just do it and thank us later!
You won't be graded on your inventory for accuracy, completeness, or legibility. If you can't stand the soup-to-nuts approach, at least take the time to jot down any items valued at $50 or more. Since a picture's worth a thousand words, consider taking a photograph or videotape of each room, with separate photos for big-ticket items. If you use a camera, make sure you label each photo with notes about the items shown. If you use a video camera, provide a running commentary describing every item (date of purchase, price, etc.) that comes into view. Hopefully, you'll never have to use your inventory, but if worst comes to worst, and you have to deal with a calamity, you'll be happy you took the time to make a permanent record of all your possessions. Now is the time to inventory.

Where should you store your inventory? 
Remember the purpose of the inventory. In the case of a fire or catastrophic event, your inventory will do you no good if it got burned up in the fire, or washed away with the flood. Regardless of whether the inventory is stored on film, video cassette, computer software, a sketchpad or a the back of an envelope, keep a copy of it stored somewhere safe — like a safety deposit box at a bank or at a house of a trusted friend or relative. But don't store your inventories copy at their home if they live next door or just down the street.  A strong storm or fire could sweep through your area and do extensive and broad range damage.